Intex Pool Legs Not Straight Leaning? Here is the Solution

Are you facing Intex Pool Legs Not Straight Problem ? don’t worry we are here to help you.

Many households looking for a cheap and practical method for enjoying the summer have started to favor Intex pools. These above-ground pools can entertain families for many hours while providing a cool retreat from the heat. 

Intex pools, however, can experience problems as time passes, one of which occurs if the pool legs fail to remain straight, just like any other pool.

In this extensive post, I will help you examine the causes of intex pool legs leaning problem, if it’s a serious problem that needs to be addressed right away, the effects of having bent legs, the best ways to put something under them for support, and other alternatives.

We’ll also give you step-by-step instructions for a long-term solution to guarantee that your Intex pool continues to be a dependable source of pleasure for years to come.

Why Intex Pool Legs Not Straight ?

It’s important to figure out why Intex pool legs may not remain straight before moving on to the alternatives. This problem can be caused by a number of reasons, and becoming knowledgeable about them may assist you avoid it in the years to come.

Unevenness of Ground

Uneven ground is among the most frequent causes of misaligned Intex pool legs. The legs may experience varying degrees of pressure if the ground underneath the pool is not perfectly level, which could cause some of them to bend or warp. This could happen for a number of reasons, including settling, natural ground shifts, or poor initial installation.

Distribution of Weight

Since Intex pools are made to retain a set volume of water, it’s important to keep the weight distribution balanced. The pool may tilt to one side if the pool’s level is uneven, putting strain on certain legs. Legs may become twisted or out of alignment as a result of time.

Poor Construction of Pool

Sometimes, the problem may have started at the pool’s initial construction. The legs may not provide enough support if they are not installed properly, which could cause bending or twisting when the pool is filled with water.

Intex Pool Legs’ age and condition

The age and general condition of the swimming pool legs itself may also play a role. Plastic materials may deteriorate or become weaker with time, increasing their propensity to bend or shatter. In addition, lower-quality materials may not be able to support the weight and pressure of the pool as well as higher-quality ones.

Now that we all  know why Intex pool’s legs might not remain in a straight line, let’s discuss some more  important things about this problem.

Is it a major issue I should solve right now?

The amount of the issue and how long it goes unattended determine how serious a misplaced pool leg is. Here are some things to think about:

Risks to Safety

Safety should be given first attention at all times. The stability of a pool may be compromised by legs that are significantly twisted or out of alignment, which could be dangerous. As a result, there may be mishaps, injuries, and pool damage.

Pool Integrity 

The integrity of the pool as a whole may be impacted by a pool with uneven legs because uneven water distribution would occur. In the long run, this can lead to structural problems, leaks, or pool liner damage.

Aesthetics of an Intex pool

Even if aesthetics might not be your top priority, a pool that is obviously tilted or out of place can be a distraction and lessen the appeal of your backyard as a whole.

The Cost Factors

The price to realign misplaced pool legs varies. Simple changes might be required in certain circumstances, while more involved repairs or replacements might be required in others. Promptly addressing the problem can frequently avoid future, more expensive repairs.

A little misalignment of an intex pool legs may not immediately be a cause for alarm, but given these circumstances, it is obvious that it should be fixed as soon as possible to avoid developing into a larger issue.

What happens if Legs are bent too much?

Let’s examine the various outcomes of doing nothing in order to emphasize how critical it is to correct bent or uneven pool legs:

An uneven water supply

Pool legs that are bent may put uneven strain on the frame and liner of the pool. This may result in an uneven water distribution throughout the pool, increasing some sections’ susceptibility to harm.

Damage to pool liners

The pool liner may be stressed by a misplaced pool leg, which could result in leaks, tears, or early deterioration. A damaged liner may be expensive and time-consuming to repair or replace.

Structural harm

In extreme situations, repeated leg misalignment might cause structural harm to the intex pool frame. This poses a serious safety risk in addition to impairing the pool’s stability.

Shorter Lifespan

These problems can shorten the lifespan of a pool that is not adequately supported. The lifespan of the Intex pool can be increased with routine maintenance and fast action.

Given these possible outcomes, it is clear that fixing damaged intex pool legs is essential for the durability, safety, or enjoyment of your pool.

Best thing to put under the legs

If you’ve discovered that the legs of your Intex pool are bending, you must add more support to stop the legs from bending further and keep the pool stable. The following are some good choices for what to place under the legs:

Patio blocks or pavers

One of the most popular ways to support pool legs is with pavers or patio blocks. They are widely accessible in renovation stores and are made of a variety of materials and sizes. How to apply them is as follows:

  • Step 1: Locate the areas wherein your intex pool legs are out of alignment.
  • Step 2: To build a solid foundation for the pavers or blocks, dig small holes under the damaged pool legs.
  • Step3. Insert the pavers or blocks into the openings, making sure they are even with the ground.
  • Step 4: Carefully place the pavers or building blocks under the pool’s legs.
  • Step 5: Check the pool legs with a level to make sure they are now perfectly straight and level.

The total weight of the intex pool is more equally distributed because to this technique’s superior stability.


Another method for leveling pool legs is sand, particularly if the ground’s unevenness is not serious enough. How to use sand is as follows:

  • step 1: Determine wherever the pool legs require assistance
  • Step 2: Clear the area beneath the impacted legs of any greenery, waste, and or uneven ground.
  • Step 3: Add a layer of sand to the areas that have been prepped.
  • Step 4: Using a level, make sure the sand remains level with the adjacent ground and dispersed evenly.

Fifth step: Carefully place the intex pool legs on the sand.

Small alignment problems may be effectively and affordably fixed with sand.

Concrete Pads

Use concrete pads if you want a more long-term fix. While this demands more work and money up front, it gives your pool legs a strong foundation. How to utilise concrete pads is as follows:

  • Step 1: Create holes beneath the damaged pool legs that are deep enough to fit the concrete pads.
  • Step 2: Prepare the concrete by mixing it as directed by the manufacturer.
  • Step 3: Fill the prepared holes with concrete, making sure to level it with the ground.
  • Step 4: Give the concrete the recommended amount of time to cure.
  • Step 5: Make sure the pool legs are level before lowering them onto the concrete pads.

Concrete pads provide stability and durability over the long run.

Foam pool pads

The use of foam pool cushions beneath above-ground pools is specifically developed for them. They aid in levelling the pool and offer insulation and cushioning. Foam pool covers can be used as follows:

  • Step 1: Identify the problematic areas of your pool legs.
  • Step 2: Make sure the affected legs are free of any dirt or uneven ground.
  • Step 3. Unroll the inflatable pool pad and trim it to the base of the pool’s size.
  • Step 4: Put the foam pad underneath the pool, making sure it’s level and supporting the crooked legs.
  • Step 5: Gently place the pool on the foam pad.

Pool pads made of foam are a great choice for insulation and light levelling.

Is there any alternative available?

The following alternatives should be taken into account if you would prefer not to add stability under the pool legs:

Changing the Water Level

In some circumstances, you may be able to solve the problem by simply modifying the amount of water in your pool. Reducing the swimming pool’s level can temporarily level the pool and lessen the strain on out-of-place legs. This is not a long-term fix, and it might not be effective for severe misalignment.

Replacement Pool Leg

You might need to repair the pool legs if they are substantially bent or damaged. To locate replacement components for your specific model of Intex pool, get in touch with the company that made it or a pool supply shop. The stability and alignment of the pool can be recovered by replacing broken legs.

Professional Assistance

It is advisable to get professional help if you are unclear of how to handle the problem or think it might be a more serious structural issue. A pool technician or contractor with above-ground pool experience may evaluate the situation and offer professional advice on the most appropriate course of action.

Step to place the pavers

Misalignment of Intex pool legs can be fixed with ease by setting patio bricks or pavers underneath. For a long-lasting solution, follow these step-by-step instructions:

Step1.Dig and level the ground 

Find Misaligned Areas Find the areas on your pool legs where they are not level or are not aligned.

Set Up the Base: Get rid of any grass, dirt, or uneven ground that may be beneath the afflicted legs.

Dig Holes: With a shovel, make shallow holes under each of the legs that were determined to be out of alignment. The holes should be dug deep enough so that any pavers or blocks will be flush with the earth.

Step 2: Set up the paving stones or blocks

Select the Proper Material: Choose patio blocks or pavers that are strong and long-lasting because they will offer the essential stability.

Check that the pavers or blocks are free and clear of any particles or dirt that could compromise their stability before setting them in place.

Step 3: Position and Level 

Place the blocks or pavers: Make sure the pavers or blocks meet level with the nearby ground before placing them in the holes you’ve dug.

Verify the levelness: Verify if the pavers or blocks are absolutely level using a level. By either adding or eliminating dirt beneath them, you can adjust as necessary


Step 4 :Lower the pool legs in 

Legs Lowered: Place the pool’s legs gently on the pavers or cinder blocks. Verify that each of the legs is resting firmly on the appropriate support.

Examine stability: Verify that the pool’s legs are straight and secure at this point. At this point, any errors should be fixed.

Step5: Fill and finish

To secure the pavers or blocks in place, backfill and cover any openings with dirt. Attractive gravel or landscaping supplies can be used to cover the area to give it a finished appearance.

Repeat as Necessary: Continue doing the above once all of the pool is stable and level if you have several misplaced legs.

Must check these point for the permanent solution

Take into account the following extra advice to achieve a long-lasting fix for uneven Intex pool legs:

Consistent Care

Regularly inspect the legs and overall construction of your pool. If there are any problems, take immediate action to stop them from getting worse.

Appropriate Setup

Ensure that all of the legs are level and correctly positioned during the very first pool setup. Carefully following the manufacturer’s directions can help avoid more issues.

Remove and store during the off-season.

If you reside in a region with severe winters, you might want to think about removing the pool and properly storing it during the off-season. By doing this, you may be able to avoid structural problems brought on by cold temperatures and snowfall.

Select a Secure Location

Select a stable, flat area of your yard to install your Intex pool in the beginning. Avoid any regions with steep hills or rocky terrain.

Look for Expert Assistance

Consult a qualified pool mechanic or contractor for advice and solutions if you frequently experience problems with pool leg position or suspect there may be hidden structural issues.

You can take the appropriate actions to resolve the situation by being aware of the reasons for misalignment, acknowledging the potential effects, and understanding how to properly support the pool legs. The most important thing is to make sure that the pool legs are level and secure, regardless of whether you decide to use pavers, patio blocks, concrete pads, or foam pool pads.

Future misalignment problems can also be avoided by doing routine maintenance, performing appropriate installation, and taking the pool’s position into consideration. In the end, you can keep a well-supported and simple Intex pool that offers everyone in your household unlimited summer delight with the appropriate information and a proactive attitude.

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